And Now For Something Completely Different! Dr. Chris Wolff and myself are allowing a rare peek into our Team Culture by allowing 10 staudents to join us at our interoffice Team Training June 11-12, 2011. Since we can only handle 10 students we will select the top 10 applications which will include an Essay. Please email comment below to receive invite. We will determine the 10 on May 15th 2011. Thanks!

Big Practices Change the World In Chiropractic we must master 3 domains of learning to truly affect large numbers of patients. Most Chiropractors barely master the first 1 or 2, leaving them largely ineffective for the last and most important domain. It is in this last and highest level that we are the most powerful when motivating patients to start and continue through our care. In our offices we overcome the first 2 levels by mastering scripts. Scripts are carefully thought out, well researched, precisely articulated slices of ...

It is always exciting when an equipment lease comes to an end and you have some extra free cash available that you were used to paying. NOT TODAY. I was looking over my bank statements last week and noticed that an automatic lease payment that was supposed to be finished in April was still being deducted. I immediately called the bank to verify that it was in fact my lease payment. I then call Priority Leasing, who by the way is now Priority Capital to ask them ...

I have been underground for a while but finally emerged with some great news. We were able to get a hold of some great technology that will transform the way patients interact with the Chiropractic office. I am very excited to share this with you. It won't be fully released until October but there is a opportunity to help us finish it up. Kaizen Wellness Goes Beta! Kaizen Wellness in an Internet-based wellness platform designed to enhance and maximize your patients’ access ...

2009 Blair Chiropractic Conference Powered by PRINCIPLE Atlanta, Ga Sept 18-20, 2009 September is just around the corner and we are preparing for the most powerful weekend we have had at any Blair Conference. Year over year the energy and excitement just gets better and this year is already no exception. Again this year The Society is focused on making the Conference the best value of the year. You pay the regular price of one of our technique seminars and we throw in the technique seminar, powerful ...

I have been so excited to see Brandon Harshe take the lead at his Atlas of Life Blog regarding the need for Upper Cervical Chiropractors to jump into the Social Media World. He recently has published a series of Blogs explaining in great detail how to get started on a Blog. When I first jumped into this arena I easily found myself intensely engaged in the learning curve till the wee hours of the morning. Even with easy step by step directions there is still a lot of tweaking required to get it "live." We must keep ...

It has been one week since all the Upper Cervical Chiropractors gathered in Vegas for the Upper Cervical Evolution and I am so delighted to see huge surge of Upper Cervical Chiropractic in the online world. During my talk I mentioned that for the first time in history we have the ability to leverage a technology that will allow us to compete with mass media. Information dissemination has always been judged by these 5 criteria; Reach - the amount of people that will get the information Accessibility - ease of access to technologies that publish information, biggest barrier being money Usability ...

Please join us and celebrate Chiropractic's Birthday in HOTLANTA, Georgia. The Blair Society has just released the student opportunity for this year's 2009 Blair Chiropractic Conference! CoAction Software, American X-Ray and The Blair Chiropractic Society have teamed up this year to bring you the most amazing student opportunity yet. This years conference will be in the swanky, upscale W hotel in Atlanta, GA. You will be immersed in the most dynamic Technique seminar of the year. You will learn the Blair Technique from Blair Instructor Icons such as Dr. Tom Forest,