May 31st is going to be a very big day for Specific Chiropractic! Will you join us for this monumental day? We have invited some of the most successful and influential Specific Chiropractors from around the country to fly in and share their success secrets with you.
Not only that, for the first time ever, Dr. Shawn Dill will be opening up his “inner circle” and allowing unprecedented insight into the details behind the creation of the innovative marketing plan recently put into place at The Specific Chiropractic Center.
We will also be unveiling the details behind The Specific Chiropractic Alliance, a unique opportunity to partner with us in bringing the vision to the Bay Area and beyond! We have done all of the work. We just need you to adjust the patients!
Who you will be hearing from:
Dr. B.J. Kale – Son of Michael Kale, D.C., founder of the Kale Network and promotor of the Knee Chest Solid Headpiece Upper Cervical Toggle Recoil technique. Dr. Michael Kale was responsible for providing Dr. Dill his initial training in Upper Cervical Specific and provided the foundation upon which everything else was built. Dr. B.J. Kale will be sharing the lineage specific concepts behind the creation, preservation and now promotion of the technique utilized in the B.J. Palmer Research Center.
Dr. Andy Roberts – Dr. Roberts worked for over five years in Costa Rica as Dr. Dill’s “right hand man”. He served as the Director of the Chiropractic Division of Dr. Dill’s company, Quiropractica Mundial, S.A., and has been an important consultant and mentor to Dr. Dill since the beginning. Dr. Roberts will be sharing his wealth of wisdom in the area of Upper Cervical Specific.
Dr. Darren White – Dr. White is a role model and someone who Dr. Dill constantly monitors in an attempt to “keep up” with his innovative business concepts. Dr. White is the innovative leader behind the Achieving Wellness Centers, Own Your Own Dream Practice and Worksite Wellness. Dr. White will be sharing his success principles and the past, present and future vision of Worksite Wellness.
Not only will you hear from these contemporary leaders of The Specific, but will also be participating in a business success workshop where the principles at The Specific Chiropractic Center will be sharing with you the nuts and bolts of our business systems and marketing plan for the rest of this year. Get the “behind-the-scenes” information from those who actually designed and implemented the commercials and the website.
Finally, you will be wrapping up the day with Dr. Shawn Dill as he explains to you step-by-step the actual business systems and scripts used at The Specific Chiropractic Center. The day will conclude with the answer to everyone’s pressing question, “Where are you going with all of this?” Hear Dr. Dill’s vision for Specific Chiropractic and find out how you can be a part of the movement.
In conclusion, let us tell you this without any added effects. It is just this simple:
Success Principles for the Specific Chiropractor
Saturday, May 31, 2008
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
Pleasanton Hilton Hotel
$249 (Lunch and snacks provided)
$199 if paid by May 1st
$149 for graduates of the That Something Coaching Program (Special VIP reception following the seminar)
Attendance will be limited to the first 50 people to register. We will be in the amphitheater of the Pleasanton Hilton Hotel. While this will allow for an intimate and comfortable experience for everyone, this definitively limits our capacity at 50. Once we reach 50 we will not be able to accommodate anyone else. Please do not put us in the uncomfortable position of having to deny your registration because you have procrastinated.
You are receiving this email because we have identified you as someone who we want to be involved in this very special day. Every one of you knows that we will not be publicizing this event to every Tom, Dick and Clarence in the profession. This event is only for those who are serious about The Specific. While we work hard to identify those who have demonstrated a commitment to the work, we obviously do not know everyone out there who is quietly dedicated to promoting The Specific around the world. So, please feel free to forward this on to your own “inner circle” of colleagues who inspire you and would benefit from this experience.
If you are ready to register, please contact Dr. Paige Van Slooten at 925-560-0700 to reserve your seat. Remember, we can only accommodate the first 50 people who call.
The Specific Chiropractic Alliance
4 Comments for this entry
Does anyone know of a good article spinning script. Looking to take my articles and PLR articles and spin them.
Steven Walsh
Great Job! I am really looking forward to the weekend. I can’t wait to be around some SERIOUS TOR’s that are SERIOUS about SPECIFIC TIC !!
is there any more info on this procedure? and does it take madical for insurance? and what would be the closes clinc to greannfield Ca?
thanks CARRIE 🙂
Great seeing you this past weekend! Your blog continues to rock! Thank you for posting this upcoming seminar. We are really looking forward to having you out and hearing your inspirational message!
Everyone else, if you have not registered, it is not too late to call! We would love to have you.