
perception blocks the growth.

The Dream Schedule Book

I am a huge fan of the enormous over sized appointment book on the front desk.  The dimensions of the book are 2’X2′ and my book is pictured below.  This was actually last Wednesday’s schedule. If you were working at the Front Desk, answered the phone, and were trying to fit a family of 4 into the schedule below you would probably not be alarmed and quickly schedule them in.  If a new patient called in you wouldn’t think twice about scheduling that person into the schedule.  If someone asked you how the day was going you would probably answer, “Well we’re steady.”  In other words you would not block the growth of that schedule in fact you will even try to pack it in more.  Nature abhors a vacuum.

How many patients do you think are on the schedule? First guess at the number then count. There are actually a lot more patients on their than it looks right? The power of perception.

Onward and Upward

Dr. Darren White

3 Comments for this entry

Brandon Harshe
November 11th, 2008 on 6:58 am

Geez! At first I thought about 50, then I counted it and pretty much doubled that number. Interesting thoughts on scheduling.

November 11th, 2008 on 6:31 pm

I did the exact same thing as Brandon there, was pretty sure there was only 50 on there. I really enjoyed this blog, perception is ever changing maybe going analog(?) isn’t so bad after all.

November 13th, 2008 on 9:29 pm

The greatest thing about this day is we (at the front desk) were doing recalls to fill the book even more! We could have fit at least 38 more regular patients and at least 3 more new patients! Always look for the front desk person who has the “squeeze one more patient in there” mentality.