This is a great question and should be top of mind for students in their last year of school. Let dig into your options. Internship/Preceptorship This is a period of time spent in a college approved clinic. The most effective of these is a preceptorship in which you spend your last 3-4 months of of school inside a real clinical setting. This opportunity can super valuable for a number of reasons. First, you have little to no idea of how an office really works. In fact if you were to extrapolate your ...

The Dream Practice Revolution begins. This site and these blogs will serve as a resource for getting you out of school and building the practice of your dreams. There are many options when graduating and whether you decide to intern, associate or open your own doors this site will be important tool to make sure you make it happen successfully. This place will also be what you make it. I have been out of school for 6 years and believe me so much has happened that I have no idea what i was thinking while in school...maybe I ...