In preparing for the newest practice to open in Redmond, Washington, we had to create a logo for the new office. This step is very important for your Chiropractic success because it is the foundation of your brand. The look, tone and feel of your image will be a direct extension of your logo. Conventionally, most people consult a graphic designer who will attempt to capture your wishes in a brief interview and present back maybe 2-5 different logo concepts. The next step would be to decide on one of ...

This weekend the leaders of all the Upper Cervical techniques have donated their time to unite under one roof to discuss the new Upper Cervical Diplomate program. Dr. Gerard Clum from Life Chiropractic College West has stepped up to be our gracious host and help us give this program some teeth. This two day summit will take us on an incredible journey of discovery and discussion that will truly unite all Specific Chiropractic techniques and provide for an unprecedented distinction within our profession. Things have been moving ...

So much of success can be linked directly linked to what you think about. Dr. John Demartini says "What you think about, you bring about." So much of what we think about is stimulated by the environment we are in and the conversations we are having. The whole reason I set up this blog was to have a constant flow of information that would stimulate constructive successful thinking. This Chiropractic Blog has sparked so many offline discussions that I thought it was time to bring them ...

There is no doubt that one of the hardest things to do in practice is securing high quality, high traffic screening events. One of the most effective screening tools we use is a health fair which could take months of effort to get set up. A local festival may cost a ton of money, but we get excited about our opportunity to be in front of a high volume of people. Then since we spent a significant amount of money to get into the event, we ...

One of the attractions for me to attend Law School was because they often couple the degree with an MBA. Not only does it serve the need to educate our Lawyers in the business world so they can gain a better perspective, but it also serves as an excellent foundation for the business skills necessary in their own practice of law. Often times I feel I should get an MBA so I can make a bigger difference in the larger picture of the Chiropractic profession. Thanks to a website ...