5 Graduation Gifts


I spent this last weekend joining the most recent graduates of Life Chiropractic College West as they celebrated their completion of the Doctor of Chiropractic degree.  Clo Lau, in her Valedictorian speech, referred to the journey as “bittersweet” which really set the tone for the weekend.  I was amazed at how intimately connected, philosophically sound and success driven these two classes were.  I am incredibly excited to see where this group of Chiropractic warriors takes our profession.

Everybody had a plan… and diverse these plans were.  I met graduates going to Spain, Brazil, Canada, England and even the beautiful St. Thomas!  I truly wish you all the best and just wanted to extend 5 of my most favorite reads I have had since Graduation.

  1. E-Myth Revisited, Michael Gerber – Hands down the the first and foremost business book anyone should read.  Almost ANY coach, mentor or consultant will offer up this gem as a first read.
  2. The Success Principles, Jack Canfield – This collection of success principles is a great overview of just about all the success habits one needs to lead our selves, patients, community and profession.
  3. Richest Man in Babylon, George C Classon – If you don’t pay yourself first right from the start you will surely be challenged in the future when you are compelled to give back.  This short but profound read is a classic and an absolute must.
  4. Book Yourself Solid, Michael Port – One of the best books on the shelf that outlines a specific plan to fill your office with well qualified patients that are compelled to refer.
  5. The Art of the Start, Guy Kawasaki – Guy is a huge hero of mine.  I love to cross appropriate success principles in other industries and apply them to ours.  Guy is from the technology industry, but his message is SO Chiropractic and very consistent with the TIC philosophy.


I am currently trying to get through what will probably end up as my most favorite read this year.  Tribes, by Seth Godin, is such a tiny book; however, every time I pick it up I can only get through a couple pages before I have to put it down because I just got so fired up to implement a new strategy.  There is NO fluff in this book.  In fact there isn’t even any chapters, just pure innate thought.

Call to Action

  1. If you haven’t already, please download the Dream Practice Blueprint.  Not exhaustive but a great first insight into starting your Dream Practice
  2. Check out Success Has a Reading List for more book recommendations.
  3. Lastly, and most importantly.  This Blog is to serve as a conduit that directly connects successful Doctors in the field to students that are about to graduate, so YOUR success stories, tips and insights would be invaluable for the graduates behind you.  Please email me your success and comment here frequently, and each group will graduate stronger and stronger.

Final Words

In school you are charged with tasks to complete and hoops to jump through all of which have already been created and given to you.  You are given the syllabus, time line and most of the tools necessary to complete your degree.  Not that it is easy – it surely isn’t – but what you need to do is always in front of you.

In practice you are given nothing.  You are charged with the responsibility to create the tasks, figure out the time line and find the tools necessary to create the practice you dream of.

This is a huge blessing and opportunity.  In school you don’t have much say in the final product.  You trade input for a given and known path.  In practice, it is the opposite, you trade the known path for full control of design and final product.  You can now create exactly what you want, where you want it and even with whom you want it with.  I would take that trade any day.  It is certainly a tougher path and certainly not meant for all, however the rewards are that much greater.  Not many career choices allow for full expression of oneself with such a huge lasting impact on the lives millions in our world.

Some will associate, some will open their own practice, some will partner, some will teach and some will research, but ALL together you will form the next chapter in Chiropractic’s history.

Onward and upward,

6 Comments for this entry

Brandon Harshe
December 15th, 2008 on 7:03 am

I’ll be doing some reading over the holidays. Great post!

Lauren Clum
December 15th, 2008 on 10:14 am

Well said, Dr. White!! Great to be with you and Toni this weekend, as usual. 🙂

Lance McKnight
December 15th, 2008 on 4:04 pm

Great to see you Dr. White!
Thank you for the great conversation and inspiration.
I wish I could be closer to your operation.
However St. Thomas isn’t so bad.
I look forward to future correspondence.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Speak to you soon,

December 16th, 2008 on 8:09 am

A friend told me about an author named Noah St. John who invented AFFORMATIONS. Afformations are empowering questions (not statements) and they’ve really worked great for me and my friends.

http://www.iAfform.com – he’s giving a free Afformation Stress Buster Session. I listen to these throughout the day and they’ve changed my life.

Enjoy them!
– Donna

December 16th, 2008 on 11:05 am

Great post thank you for your inspiring words. Exactly what I needed to hear.

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