In a typical Chiropractic office there is a team of people helping you keep in touch with yours patients. They call them to remind them of appointments, they call when they miss, they schedule and they also have some procedure to stay top of mind or stay in touch so that we don't loose patients through he cracks. You don't have that luxury. I would love to turn you on to a great piece of technology that will help stay top of mind in your patients lives AND reduce your stress. What is an AUTORESPONDER? An Autoresponder is an online ...

Last weekend I had the honor to present at Dr. Shawn Dill's famous coaching program called "That Something" about the Wellness Revolution that is occurring right now. Dr. Andy Roberts kicked it off with an amazing talk on raising the standard in our offices so that our "experience" rivals that of Disney's. I have since created an experience checklist for my office, Thanks Dr. Roberts! Dr. Thad spoke about the mission of the UCHC along with the need to unite. Dr. B.J Kale reminded us where we came from! His journey through the HISTORY sent ...

The Blair Chiropractic Society is honored to have Dr. Dan Murphy speak at 2008 Blair Chiropractic Conference in Dallas, Texas, September 26-27. I had the amazing opportunity to listen to Dr. Murphy present his material on the importance of the Upper Cervical Specific at this year's Spring for Life at Life West Chiropractic College. I was on the edge of my seat. This man has an unbelievable ability to retain, assimilate and present the latest review of research in a way a 5th grader could understand! You are not going to want to ...

On Tuesday at my staff meeting I am posting a standing offer for $1000.00 to anyone who would like to quit! Sounds crazy but I think this is a win / win for both the employee and the employer. In my experience when someone quits they actually check out months ago. The employee is no longer enrolled in the bigger vision and is now imposing their schedule of scanning craigs list, IMing friends and perusing on the company's dime. During this time there is an immeasurable loss of productivity, things being brushed under ...

On Thursday I had the huge honor of speaking at the Spring for Life conference at Life West Chiropractic College. Many of you have written me asking me to explain the comment I made about being able to measure everything that happens in my offices through numbers. I am a huge fan of metrics. I firmly believe that you can't grow anything you can't measure. A book I highly recommend called "The Game of Work", Charles A. Coonradt, speaks well to the need for metrics. In his book he used a widget company as an example. He ...

One of my favorite questions to ask a prospective associate is where they see themselves in 3-5 years. I usually qualify he answer i am looking for by asking them to expand on their vision of what their practice looks like. Almost without exception the biggest unknown is how many patients they are seeing in one week and how much money they think that might equate to. And if they were to know how many patients they wanted to see... how many new patients they would need to see each week to achieve ...

May 31st is going to be a very big day for Specific Chiropractic! Will you join us for this monumental day? We have invited some of the most successful and influential Specific Chiropractors from around the country to fly in and share their success secrets with you. Not only that, for the first time ever, Dr. Shawn Dill will be opening up his "inner circle" and allowing unprecedented insight into the details behind the creation of the innovative marketing plan recently put into place at The Specific Chiropractic Center. We will also be unveiling the ...

It has been approved by the Board of Directors of the Blair Chiropractic Society that the first 40 students registering for the conference this year will receive free lodging at the Adams Mark Hotel (soon to be a Sheraton) in Dallas, Texas. Learning from last year we have upgraded the Student program just a bit. First the students will be housed in the hotel that the conference is hosted in. Second we have included the Thursday night for those arriving early, so the lodging will be from Thursday through Sunday! Lastly it is ...

I am excited to announce that this years annual Conference will be held at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel in Dallas, Texas. The theme this year will be "The Office of the Future" and will be Sponsored by Future Health Software. Our vendors this year will remain in the Main Speaker room arranged in the formation of what the Blair Chiropractic Office of the future will look like. 2008 Blair Chiropractic Convention Sheraton Dallas September 26 - 27, 2008 Dallas, Texas Last year was the greatest year for us in both content and in numbers. This year we will ...